Government credit agency platform

Government credit agency platform

Government credit agency

KredEx is a foundation set up by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in Estonia in 2001 with the aim of providing financial solutions based on the best practices in the world. They offer services for businesses, private persons, apartment associations and local municipalities, such as guarantees, financing, grants and energy efficiency measures
KredEx are helping to promote innovation and develop sustainable business models and research-intensive solutions. KredEx are increasing Estonia’s visibility and attractiveness as a travel destination and as a place to conduct business, live and study.
Clients sector:

Wisercat’s verticals:


- Communication problems with other banks. It was necessary to update the old solution, as it was very outdated and not suitable for the goals set by the customer. The main goal of the company - full control of all operational processes.

- There was also a shortage of tools to work with data and insufficient automation. The new system was supposed to radically improve this situation.


The Platform is the case management system which is integrated with the state registers. It is used as the main system to organize all KredEx* operational processes.

This includes:
- Customer management
- Guarantees issuing and management
- Billing and financial core
- Document management


- The developed solution is storing the database of all KredEx private and legal customers
(in total ~ 60 000)

- The developed solution is used to receive guarantee obligations, assess them, make decisions, create and sign contracts and organize all related communication

- The developed platform organizes HR processes of KredEx

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